I better click to continue playingIt cannot be bad!
Phishing - Personal Data
Software downloadedFill in your BANK DETAILS!
John is playing internet games for over 8 hours with no sleep (addiction)
Protect Data from being misused
Sorry mom!
Addiction leads to acceptance of web invitations, gestures.Phishing is easy when you are not careful and tired!
Ways to use data reponsibly
You are protected!
ALL DONE! I installed an app to stop scam pop ups and a child lock that also has a screen time timer. So now I can get alerts if you go to dangerouse sites.
John has accidently downloaded a malware software and gave out personal information (phishing).But he got suspicious...
End of Internet addiction
Now I am a better person.
John had learned his lesson just before entering personal data.
John you should be careful on the internetNO PERSONAL DATA! You must use personal data in a way fair to the individuals concerned. Do you know that I could have lost money for your carelessness?Don't believe Scams
Now John has limits on his Internet time.He learnt the Internet DANGERS.He installed internet protection software.
Now I am aware of Internet DANGERSI am PROTECTED
John has explored new talents. He enjoys playing outdoors, he sleeps and eats normally.