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Achievements of the Hellenistic age

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Achievements of the Hellenistic age
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  • Art and Archecutrue
  • WOW! This is such a beautiful building. It really shows how they lived back in the olden days.
  • Culture
  • Legacy of Alexander the Great
  • In the future and upcoming world, Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic cited wanted to show themselves as godlike monarchs. Architecture and art helped them to be able to show this. The building and art will stay around forever which will keep their beliefs and values going forever.
  • Women
  • This is so much better then working in the house. I love having a say and being able to speak my opinion.
  • Most people mad a mix of beliefs put into one. The civilizations that were conquered mixed their beliefs with the greeks which created a mix of all different cultures through Greece and Persia. This was due to the migration of soldiers, traders, and workers moving all across the region bringing different cultures into new civilizations.
  • Math and Science
  • Without math I would never be able to figure out that the earth is round.
  • Alexander the Great was able to change and bring a new way of life for centuries in the Meddertrannion and the Middle East World. By defeating Persia and creating trade to be able to mix different cultures He spread Greek culture all over the known world. By doing this Greek and other cultures mixed. Alexander was also able to give women right and make them more equal to men.
  • Medicine
  • Come on Inside I'll see what I can do.
  • I don't have much money, but I am very sick please help me.
  • Legal codes, paintings, and statues showed the in the Hellenistic age women stop being constricted to their homes. Women were able to learn how to read and write. They were also given jobs such as working with men in the government to help make decisions.
  • Pythagoras drove a formula for calculating the relationship between the sides of a right triangle. The formula was a^2+b^2=c^2. A theory called heliocentric said that the earth rotated on an axis and around the sun. Using math Eratosthenes proved that the earth was round. Physic was used by Archimedes to create new intentions.
  • A Greek physician named Hippocrates looked at illnesses and cures. The Oath said helping patients to the best of your ability and never resuing a patient that you could help. It also said keeping the privacy of the patient is very important. This oath set a high standard for the doctors to come in the future.
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