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  • Yes! Almost didn't cuz he sent it really late last night.
  • Day of Examinations
  • Oh no.... I didn't know there were extra materials.
  • Hey! Did you review the last topic that sir sent last night?
  • ID: The overwhelming need to pass the exam
  • We'll be in a big trouble if we get caught
  • Alright, then.
  • Yes... I would definitely flunk my exam now.
  • You weren't able to read the last lesson too, Rachel?
  • We wrote some cheat sheets, want one?
  • Well it's better to take the risk than get a zero , right?
  • EGO: Delaying gratification for social acceptance
  • Should I really do this? It would be dangerous and it's wrong to cheat....
  • Should I use it?
  • No! This isn't right!
  • But mom and dad would be really disappointed if I get a low mark.
  • But I need to pass
  • It would be unfair for the people who reviewed tho...
  • Mom and dad would be more disappointed if they would found out that I cheated
  • Rachel was not able to review the last lesson that was sent last evening because she slept earlier
  • SUPEREGO: Judging right from wrong
  • I don't need cheating materials to pass!
  • I'll just do my best!!!!
  • Rachel, desperate to pass the exam accepted the offer of her classmate to use a cheat sheet for the exam.
  • Exam results
  • A
  • Rachel is torn whether she should use the cheat sheet or not. She's really desperate to pass her exams and too proud to get less that an A mark.
  • At home studying.....
  • I'm glad i didn't use the cheat sheets!
  • In the end, Rachel chose not to use the cheat sheet. She just did her best to answer the questions she knew the answer to and skipped it otherwise.
  • Exan
  • She then got a flat A mark from her exam. She was proud of herself because she aced her exam without cheating.
  • Rachel turned her experience as a motivation to study harder and smarter. More so she learned to be more attentive to her teachers. Lastly, she commends herself for putting her desires aside and uplifting her humility.
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