Condensation is when a gas turns into a liquid then it joins another cloud or forms a new cloud and that causes precipitation.
What is Precipitation?
Precipitation is when water forms clouds that forms liquid or ice that falls onto the ground. Some examples of precipitation are rain, hail, sleet, and snow.
Run-off is when extra rainwater or stormwater runs off of a surface and flows into a river, stream, lake, etc.
What is Run-off?
What is Infiltration?
. Infiltration is when extra water that the soil has not yet absorbed slowly goes into the ground four layers down which is called groundwater.
. Transpiration is when after precipitation, soil takes in water. After plants absorb the water extra water will go into the sky as a water vapour through mini holes in the leaves.
What is Transpiration?
. Evaporation is when the sun is shining on an ocean, river, lake, etc. Pretty much any body of water and the water goes into the sky and turns into a gas.