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The Cuban Missile Crisis - Comic Strip

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The Cuban Missile Crisis - Comic Strip
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Storyboard Text

  • Agreed, with these missiles, we can ensure the sovereignty of our revolution and fend off any US threats against Cuba.
  • Fidel, with my missiles serving as a deterrent against invasion, we can protect Cuba from further aggression from the Americans.
  • We're both communists who hate America, how delightful!
  • Good evening, my fellow citizens. Recently, We've found out that Soviets have missiles placed in Cuba. We have taken this as a very serious threat.
  • To halt this offensive build up, I've directed a naval blockade around Cuba in order to halt this offensive build up.
  • The imprisoned island holds undeniable proof of medium and intermediate range ballistic warheads, capable of devastating America.
  • Would you please remove your strategically placed missiles in Cuba? Hello??
  • I'm not giving up anything. Whatever it is ... no.
  • In response to the blockade,the Soviets put its military into full combat readiness. The US did the same, and began plans to attack Cuba. WW3!?
  • No! I refuse to authorize this as we should wait until further notice!
  • Our air force has shot down a U2 Spy Plane, we should fire!
  • Agreed, fire the torpedo!
  • Those missiles in Turkey are obsolete.
  • Great, I'm willing to accept.
  • I'll withdraw my forces from Cuba if the United States agrees to never invade Cuba and remove its missiles from Turkey.
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