A group of nursery school children watched an adult mistreating a bobo doll.
The adult mistreated the doll by punching it, kicking it and hitting it with a mallet.
Albert Bandura, then exposed this group (the experimental group) and another group who had not watched the violence (the control group) to a ‘frustrating experience’. They were shown a room full of exciting toys and given the impression they could play with them.
They were then told they could not and taken individually to a room of unattractive toys which included a bobo doll and a mallet.
As Bandura had predicted, those who had earlier watched the mistreatment of the bobo doll were more likely to imitate this behaviour and show aggression towards the doll.
However this study faced huge critasisms for being exremely unethical and permenantly altering the child participants' behaviour
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Ethical Issues
A group of nursery school children watched an adult mistreating a bobo doll.
The adult mistreated the doll by punching it, kicking it and hitting it with a mallet.
Albert Bandura, then exposed this group (the experimental group) and another group who had not watched the violence (the control group) to a ‘frustrating experience’. They were shown a room full of exciting toys and given the impression they could play with them.
They were then told they could not and taken individually to a room of unattractive toys which included a bobo doll and a mallet.
As Bandura had predicted, those who had earlier watched the mistreatment of the bobo doll were more likely to imitate this behaviour and show aggression towards the doll.
However this study faced huge critasisms for being exremely unethical and permenantly altering the child participants' behaviour
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Ethical Issues
A group of nursery school children watched an adult mistreating a bobo doll.
The adult mistreated the doll by punching it, kicking it and hitting it with a mallet.
Albert Bandura, then exposed this group (the experimental group) and another group who had not watched the violence (the control group) to a ‘frustrating experience’. They were shown a room full of exciting toys and given the impression they could play with them.
They were then told they could not and taken individually to a room of unattractive toys which included a bobo doll and a mallet.
As Bandura had predicted, those who had earlier watched the mistreatment of the bobo doll were more likely to imitate this behaviour and show aggression towards the doll.
However this study faced huge critasisms for being exremely unethical and permenantly altering the child participants' behaviour
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Ethical Issues
A group of nursery school children watched an adult mistreating a bobo doll.
The adult mistreated the doll by punching it, kicking it and hitting it with a mallet.
Albert Bandura, then exposed this group (the experimental group) and another group who had not watched the violence (the control group) to a ‘frustrating experience’. They were shown a room full of exciting toys and given the impression they could play with them.
They were then told they could not and taken individually to a room of unattractive toys which included a bobo doll and a mallet.
As Bandura had predicted, those who had earlier watched the mistreatment of the bobo doll were more likely to imitate this behaviour and show aggression towards the doll.
However this study faced huge critasisms for being exremely unethical and permenantly altering the child participants' behaviour
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Ethical Issues
A group of nursery school children watched an adult mistreating a bobo doll.
The adult mistreated the doll by punching it, kicking it and hitting it with a mallet.
Albert Bandura, then exposed this group (the experimental group) and another group who had not watched the violence (the control group) to a ‘frustrating experience’. They were shown a room full of exciting toys and given the impression they could play with them.
They were then told they could not and taken individually to a room of unattractive toys which included a bobo doll and a mallet.
As Bandura had predicted, those who had earlier watched the mistreatment of the bobo doll were more likely to imitate this behaviour and show aggression towards the doll.
However this study faced huge critasisms for being exremely unethical and permenantly altering the child participants' behaviour
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Ethical Issues
A group of nursery school children watched an adult mistreating a bobo doll.
The adult mistreated the doll by punching it, kicking it and hitting it with a mallet.
Albert Bandura, then exposed this group (the experimental group) and another group who had not watched the violence (the control group) to a ‘frustrating experience’. They were shown a room full of exciting toys and given the impression they could play with them.
They were then told they could not and taken individually to a room of unattractive toys which included a bobo doll and a mallet.
As Bandura had predicted, those who had earlier watched the mistreatment of the bobo doll were more likely to imitate this behaviour and show aggression towards the doll.
However this study faced huge critasisms for being exremely unethical and permenantly altering the child participants' behaviour
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Ethical Issues
A group of nursery school children watched an adult mistreating a bobo doll.
The adult mistreated the doll by punching it, kicking it and hitting it with a mallet.
Albert Bandura, then exposed this group (the experimental group) and another group who had not watched the violence (the control group) to a ‘frustrating experience’. They were shown a room full of exciting toys and given the impression they could play with them.
They were then told they could not and taken individually to a room of unattractive toys which included a bobo doll and a mallet.
As Bandura had predicted, those who had earlier watched the mistreatment of the bobo doll were more likely to imitate this behaviour and show aggression towards the doll.
However this study faced huge critasisms for being exremely unethical and permenantly altering the child participants' behaviour
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Bobo Doll
Ethical Issues