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Storyboard about Canli et al.

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Storyboard about Canli et al.
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  • To investigate the degree of the emotional intensity affecting the role of amygdala in aiding memory recall of "emotional" stimuli
  • Participants were required to lay in an fMRI scanner, they were shown 96 pictures. They were randomized, each was viewed 2.88 secs and 12.96 secs for fixed cross. They had to rate emotional arousal of the picture, 0-3, 0 as not emotional at all and 3 as extremely emotional. The fMRI machine collected information about the activity in the brain during the picture viewing.
  • The participants were instructed to return to the laboratory after 3 weeks to complete an unexpected task. They were asked to determine whether the images were forgotten, familiar, or remembered after viewing the same 96 images plus 48 more foils.
  • 3 weeks later...
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