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Storyboard Text

  • Take and read
  • He suddenly heard a voice from somewhere
  • Huh? Where is that voice coming from? Take and read, but there's nothing to read here
  • On that day Augustine began a new life. He then ran to his home to share the good news with his mother.
  • Huh? a Bible? clothe yourself that the Lord Jesus Christ and don't think about how to satisfy the desires of the sinful nature. Lord Jesus Christ! Lord Jesus Christ!
  • Thank you Lord! you did even more than I asked for. Thank you for everything.
  •  Son? I have something to tell you.
  • I once had a vision from God my son.
  • In the vision I stood on a plank and I was crying, then suddenly a man joyous smiling approached me.
  • You don't have to cry anymore mother.
  • What is it mother?
  •  Vision from God?! what was it mother?
  • It is for my son's soul.
  • Huh my son? You were standing next to me, God had a shard me through this vision that my prayers would be answered.
  •  Why are you crying?
  • But why? Don't you see where you are, there he stands.
  • Augustine was baptized bishop Ambrose on the day of Easter and shortly afterwards he returned to gust along with his mother and son
  •  I do not know what there's left to me do or why am I still here. All my hopes in this world are now fulfilled, all I wished for was to see you as a Christian. God has granted this and even more.
  • But when they reached the port of Ostia, Monica fell ill, she knew that her work had been accomplished and that her life would soon be over.
  • And shortly after, she died.
  • You were going to be alright mother.
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