PrinceProspero said: No, you will be died, I have selected my ladies and my lords whowill accompany me.
"Inhalf an hour we have been dying. Because there we have been needing your help."
Forthe seven rooms we have been majestically strolling a crowd of dreams.
PrinceProspero has given us a rare masked ball.
The figure has been pushing even the limits of the Prince’s permissive taste.
There has had no plague so deadly or so horrible.
This has been too embarrassing, I’ve already decided to end this, I’mgonna go stab him.
Prince Prospero has fell prostate to death.
Herehas been the read death
The musicians have been stopping their playing to listen to it. So the dancing has interrupted. The red mask had been walking, without anyone stopping him.
They have been feeling fear because the insane arrogance of the mask, that has prevented anyone from laying a hand of it. The masked man has continued to walk the same solemn that from the beginning has been distinguishing him.
Everyonehas been screaming.
Oneby one those present have been falling, now batched in blood and each has beenmeeting death in the desperate posture into which they fell.