This is the story about how a crazy idea became a grant
I <3 this idea
There are no girls interested in comp sci. I want to use video games & storytelling to introduce them to coding
Computer Science lab of professor at Carnegie Mellon
Meeting with boss who could say no or otherwise kill idea
Setting: Early 2000s when I worked for my first foundation
He said yes!
His worldview: It is important introduce young women to CS and education should and can be fun My worldview: education and coding should be fun; I <heart> tech
The staff meeting where all good ideas go to die
Next back to the foundation to tell my boss, the VP, about the idea and get his buy-in. he has to sign off for the idea to be considered for presentation to the board
Bosses worldview: Video games for education sounds nuts. I don't get it My worldview: THIS is so exciting! education and coding should be fun; I <heart> tech
I realized our worldviews did not match and things that got me excited were things he could not visualize or comprehend
Demo!Brought prof and some students to demonstrate the possibility of this idea -- made it more real
...and that is why video games are perfect for education
What was different was the opportunity to hear directly from the professor and students--they made it more personal and not so abstarct
Next step was to present my idea to the full staff. An overwhelming set of negative comments can kill an idea before it even gets to the board for review
Worldview of a majority of the staff: video games are frivolous , tech is scary Story they are telling themselves: "this is embarrassing and not serious or important work"
CEO worldview: I have no reference point for this conversation but I trust the VP
The idea could have died at the staff meeting or with the CEO but my boss took a risk and helped me make my case so that I could bring the idea to the board.
Worldview of board: video games are frivolous , tech is scary Story they are telling themselves: "this is embarrassing and not serious or important work"
The day of the board meeting, the official place for yeses, nos and where decisions officially die.
I enthusiastically presented to the board anticipating all of their questions and comments based on previous skeptical worldviews I had encountered on this journey
The board vote
The board CHAIR'S vote Her worldview: Loves to take risks, loves innovation, saw the possibility because husband and sons played video games