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Boston Tea Party

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Boston Tea Party
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  • My rights are being violated!!!
  • Why is this happening!?
  • I will not stand by this act and you better fix it or else!!!
  • But sir...
  • After the French and Indian War, a lot of debt was left, boycotts ramped up, this made King George angry. Some protestors were very verbal about their opinions.
  • Next, Parliament passed a the Townshend Act making a tax on British goods like lead, paint, and tea.
  • The Sons Of Liberty leader Samuel Adams, didn't agree with this idea and wrote a statement that was approved my Massachusetts representatives attacking parliament's taxing law and threatening British troops.
  • OH NO THE TEA!!!
  • Later, The Sons Of Liberty held a public meeting that lasted 2 days to order the local consignees to send away the tea when it comes to the Boston port, but the consignees refused to do so.
  • Sooner or later, protestors disguised as American Indians and dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Finally this situation soon led to the American revolution.
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