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The Masque of the Red Death Plot Diagram

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatEXPOSITIONCONFLICTRISINGACTIONCLIMAXFALLINGACTIONRESOLUTIONProsperoisintroducedinthetimeoftheRedDeath,aravenousplaguethatisdevastatinghiskingdom.Prosperobelievesthatheandthenoblesofhiskingdomcanescapedeath.Therefore,Prosperoinvitesallwealthy,unaffectedpeopleinhisdomaintohiscastleforagrandmasqueradeball.GuestsarebewilderedandamusedbythegrandioseroomsthatProsperohascreated.Eachroom,beginningfromtheeast,ismarkedbyadifferentcolor.Thelastroom,blackwithredwindows,issodisturbingthatnooneenters.Amysteriousebonyclockwithintheroomchimeseveryhour,haltingtheexaltationsoftheparty.Asthepartygoesonandtheclockisabouttostrikemidnight,anenigmaticguestappearsdressedasaplaguevictim.Deeplydisturbedbytheguest'spoorjudgment,Prosperoengageswiththevisitor.However,ashereachesthefigure,hefallstohisdeath.Asothergueststrytosubduetheintruder,theyfindthatthereisnooneunderthecostumeandtheyalsodie.Intheend,theRedDeathinfiltratesthecastledespiteProspero’seffortstoescapeit.
The Masque of the Red Death Plot Diagram
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The Mask of the Red Death Summary | The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe

Texto do Storyboard

  • Prospero is introduced in the time of the Red Death, a ravenous plague that is devastating his kingdom.
  • Prospero believes that he and the nobles of his kingdom can escape death. Therefore, Prospero invites all wealthy, unaffected people in his domain to his castle for a grand masquerade ball.
  • Guests are bewildered and amused by the grandiose rooms that Prospero has created. Each room, beginning from the east, is marked by a different color. The last room, black with red windows, is so disturbing that no one enters. A mysterious ebony clock within the room chimes every hour, halting the exaltations of the party.
  • As the party goes on and the clock is about to strike midnight, an enigmatic guest appears dressed as a plague victim.
  • Deeply disturbed by the guest's poor judgment, Prospero engages with the visitor. However, as he reaches the figure, he falls to his death.
  • As other guests try to subdue the intruder, they find that there is no one under the costume and they also die. In the end, the Red Death infiltrates the castle despite Prospero’s efforts to escape it.
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