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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Five Act Structure

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatEXPOSITIONCONFLICTRISINGACTIONCLIMAXFALLINGACTIONDENOUEMENTCaesarreturnsfrombattlingaformerRomangeneral.Heisvictorious,andthecitizensarecelebratinginhishonor.NotallRomansarepleasedwithCaesarthough;theyfearhim,andbelievethatheisonthepathtobecomingadictator.AgroupofsenatorshaveturnedagainstCaesarandelicitBrutus,oneofCaesar’sfriends,tojoinaconspiracyagainsthim.BrutusconsiderswhetherornottotrustCaesar.HeeventuallyjoinstheconspiracybecausehefearswhatCaesarmaybecomeifheismadeKing.HestatesitisnotthathelovesCaesarless,butthathelovesRomemore.TheconspiratorslureCaesartothecapitalandkillhim.BrutusasksAntonytoshowsupportforhisactionsbyspeakingtothecrowd.Antonyissupposedtoagreewiththeconspirators,buthebackhandedlycausesariot,forcingtheconspiratorstofleethecity.AntonyformsanalliancethatvowsrevengeforCaesar’sdeath.He,Caesar'snephewOctavius,andLepidusgoaftertheconspiratorsinbattle.Eventually,alltheconspiratorscommitsuicide,andAntonyproclaimsthatBrutusshallreceiveahero'sburial.Youblocks,youstones,youworthlessfools-GOHOME!Cassius,whatyouspeakofistreason!Ihavenopersonalreasontospurathim...SicSemperTyrannus!Brutuswasanhonorableman!Friends,Romans,countrymen,lendmeyourears!
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Five Act Structure
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Planos de Aula de Estrutura Narrativa

Estrutura Narrativa

Planos de Aula de Rebecca Ray

A literatura tem muitas formas, e cada forma tem sua própria estrutura única para contar uma história. Ao estudar, ensinar ou aprender sobre narração na literatura, também é importante entender seu arranjo subjacente. Como é criado? Quais são as partes de uma história? Que aspectos diferem de uma forma para outra?


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Shakespeare Julius Caesar Summary | Shakespeare's Five Act Structure

Texto do Storyboard

  • You blocks, you stones, you worthless fools - GO HOME!
  • Cassius, what you speak of is treason!
  • I have no personal reason to spur at him...
  • Caesar returns from battling a former Roman general. He is victorious, and the citizens are celebrating in his honor. Not all Romans are pleased with Caesar though; they fear him, and believe that he is on the path to becoming a dictator.
  • Sic Semper Tyrannus!
  • A group of senators have turned against Caesar and elicit Brutus, one of Caesar’s friends, to join a conspiracy against him.
  • Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!
  • Brutus considers whether or not to trust Caesar. He eventually joins the conspiracy because he fears what Caesar may become if he is made King. He states it is not that he loves Caesar less, but that he loves Rome more.
  • Brutus was an honorable man!
  • The conspirators lure Caesar to the capital and kill him.
  • Brutus asks Antony to show support for his actions by speaking to the crowd. Antony is supposed to agree with the conspirators, but he backhandedly causes a riot, forcing the conspirators to flee the city.
  • Antony forms an alliance that vows revenge for Caesar’s death. He, Caesar's nephew Octavius, and Lepidus go after the conspirators in battle. Eventually, all the conspirators commit suicide, and Antony proclaims that Brutus shall receive a hero's burial.
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