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Hamlet Comic pt 3

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Hamlet Comic pt 3
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  • Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell.I took thee for thy better. Take thy fortunethou find’st to be too busy is some danger.
  • Alas, he’s mad.
  • Save me and hover o’er me with your wingyou heavenly guards! What would your gracious figure?
  • Do not forget. This visitationIs but to whet thy almost blunted purpose.
  • Where is this king?—Sirs, stand you all without.
  • Tell me, Laertes,why thou art thus incens’d?
  • Before hiding, Polonius tells Gertrude what to say to Hamlet. When he arrives, he angrily confronts his mother and she cries for help. Polonius echoes her cries and Hamlet stabs the tapestry thinking he hears a rat. Thinking he killed Claudius, Hamlet sees that he killed Polonius instead.
  • When in your motion you are hot and dryas make your bouts more violent to that endand that he calls for drink, I’ll have prepar’d hima chalice for the nonce, whereon but sipping,if he by chance escape your venom’d stuck,our purpose may hold there.
  • I am lost in it, my lord. But let him warms the very sickness in my heartthat I shall live and tell him to his teeth,‘thus diest thou’.
  • Within a chaotic exchange between Hamlet and his mother, tbe ghost of King Hamlet reappears. The ghost tells Hamlet to get back on task. Queen Gertrude is confused because she cannot see the ghost and is convinced it is further proof of Hamlet's madness.
  • The point envenom’d too! Then, venom, to thy work.
  • O yet defend me, friends. I am but hurt.
  • Laertes enters and confronts Claudius and Gertrude demanding answers and his fathers body. Claudius convinces Laertes to come with him so he can explain. Claudius promises to give Laertes his crown if it can be proven that he or Gertrude is at fault for his fathers death.
  • He never gave commandment for their death.but since, so jump upon this bloody question,you from the Polack wars and you from England are here arriv’d, give order that these bodieshigh on a stage be placed to the view,and let me speak to th’yet unknowing world how these things came about.
  • Where is this sight?
  • Claudius explains to Laertes what is going on. He lets him know Hamlet killed Polonius. Claudius and Laertes devise a plan to murder Hamlet using a fencing match. Laertes will use poisoned foil and in case that doesn’t work Claudius will keep a poisoned drink.
  • Gertrude accidentally drinks from the poisoned chalice when watching the duel. The queen collapses and dies.Laertes realizes he’s been hit by the poisoned foyle and in his final moments explains to Hamlet that they have all been poisoned by the king. In fury, Hamlet stabs Claudius with the poisoned foyle and forces him to drink from the poisoned chalice finally seeking his revenge.
  • Fortinbras (Prince of Norway) and the ambassadors, having just returned from Poland, enter and are shocked. Horartio explains what happened and tells him Hamlet’s request that he become King of Denmark before he died.
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