'm begging you, good Mercutio, let's call it a day. It's hot outside, and the Capulets are wandering around. If we bump into them, we'll certainly get into a fight. When it's hot outside, people become angry and hot blooded.
You're like one of those guys who walks into a bar, slams his sword on the table, and then says, "I pray I never have to use you." By the time he orders his sec ond drink, he pulls his sword on the bartender for no reason at all.
Am I really like one of those guys?
Come on, you can be as angry as any guy in Italy when you're in the mood. When someone does the smallest thing to make you angry, you get angry. And when you're in the mood to get angry, you find something to get angry about.
If there were two men like you, pretty soon there'd be none because the two of you would kill each other. You would fight with a man ifhe had one more whisker or one less whisker in his beard than you have in your beard. You'll fight with aman who's cracking nutsjust because you have hazelnut-colored eyes. Only you