Well, im not very good at sports, but ill take it upon consideration thanks
What if I get judged though :(
Wanna come to training after school?
Section 1:Opening scene of comic with a image of the school bus at a bustop, bold comic title
I'm not sure, I guess it was just the fact that you were actually encouraging me to come, it doesn't happen often to me you know
Section 2:Second scene in the bus with Johnny being criticized, students in bus, speech bubbles with small text inside, multiple characters shown
Section 3:Johnny is confronted in class by a student asking him to come to his after school training, set in the classroom, speech bubbles with excessive text within
To be continued...
Section 4:Johnny decides to come to training and sees the student, set at the back of the field, characters conversating, before the after school training
HEYYY JOHNNNYYYY, what made changed your mind? Its good to see you here!
Section 5:Johnny has joined in training, Johnny gets positive comments, he is actively participating, speech bubbles only contain a few text, set on the field
Keep it up Johnny!!
Thanks Mate :)
Thanks for inviting me to sports, I would've never started coming if it weren't for you!!
Section 6:Johnny thanks his new friend, johhnys new friend explains team sports morals, set on field also, characters are preparing for their next drill
Oh Johnny, that's what teams sports are all about, building friendships and helping eachother :)