Have you ever wanted something so badly that you new you had to have it ?
Being disappointed with something you have
I thought for a minute and I remembered that my mom got me the game I always wanted but I realized that the next day I would be tired of it.
Theres something I do every month that I want I pay a little extra to our debts. Which if I do I will a bit more money.
Don't just spend money on you but other
Hey mom, I wanted to ask that we have a whole lot of things in our budget but what about spending things on what you want ?
Philip has saved his ten pennies. But now he wants to decide should he use his money for what he want for use it on something he needs.
Toy store
Philip wanted something so badly but once he got it was so boring he new that the next day he would not want it.
Mean Bullies
I meant it my mom is right inside the bank and everyone can see you !
He asked his mom why docent she spend money on herself but she replies with she does spend money on her self by paying the debt a little more which will give her a bit more money.
Stand up
While his mom was in the bank he went to go see outside the window of a toy store.
While Philip was outside the window Bradly, Ronnie, and Rachel came up to him and started bulling him.
Leave me alone Bradly !
Aww are going to tell you mom
Does itty-bitty Slots want a teddy bear ?
Philip made them go away and felt strong and stood with pride with a pride chest.