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What is collision theory

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What is collision theory
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  • Todays Lesson:
  • What is Collision Theory?
  • Collision theory says that a chemical reaction can only happen when particles bang into each other!
  • Can you give us an example?!
  • Absolutely! lets talk about chemical reaction of water!
  • Chemical equation: H2 + O = H2O
  • When water molecules and hydrogen molecules collide into each other they form WATER! But there are some exceptions.
  • H
  • H
  • O
  • H
  • O
  • H
  • O
  • H
  • O
  • H
  • H
  • O
  • H
  • If the molecules follow this criteria they will form a bond!
  • 1. The collision must have enough energy to break bonds holding reactant molecules together2. Reacting molecules must collide in a proper orientation to form a new bond
  • Now we know all the science stuff, how does this relate in real life?
  • You can't make an omelet without cracking the egg.Cracking this egg is like breaking bonds and forming this omelet is the product.
  • ohhh I understand better now! but do you really want to eat that cafeteria omelet?
  • How did she change so fast? why are we out here?
  • If molecules want to react with each other to form a product they have to fit together like a puzzle piece to succeed.For example if my foot and this ball don't collide perfectly together I won't make this goal!
  • That's awesome! So molecules are like Legos and only fit one way to form something new!
  • Another thing about collisions! the more molecules the higher chance they will collide and they will use less energy to produce a product!Like the more people you are around the more people you will make connections with and make friends! with using less of your energy! Yay!
  • Is she saying we need to make more friends?
  • Less energy is always good!
  • Molecules need energy to break apart and energy to form new bonds
  • What did you learn?
  • The more molecules around the higher chance there will be collisions
  • Molecules need to be in the right orientation in order to collide
  • Thank you for learning about collision theory with me!Power,Barry. Chapter 13-Chemical Kinetics . Chemistry 1051,MUN. Chapter 13 – Chemical Kinetics (Full Slides) - CHEM-1051-001/002/003/004/005 (General Chemistry II) (“Welcome to CK-12 Foundation | CK-12 Foundation.” 4.7 Collision Theory, CK-12, 18 Feb. 2016,, Peggy, and Stephen Lower. “6.1.6: The Collision theory Peggy Lawson Stephen Lower.” Chemistry LibreTexts, Libretexts, 13Feb. 2023,
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