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Role of parents in emotional intelligence

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Role of parents in emotional intelligence
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  • Bad!
  • Hi Honey! How was school?
  • The bullying and the quiz mark made Usha upset and ruined her day. She was feeling sad and mad the rest of the day.
  • I am mad
  • What's wrong honey ?
  • Why?
  • When Usha returned to home she was not in a good mood and she didn't even speak well with her mom.
  • I had a bad day at school. Some kids are bullying me at school and I also got a low mark on my math quiz .
  • Oh honey, don't worry! Ask a teacher who can help you with the bullying. Also, you can study better next time and get a good grade.
  • Without speaking well to her mom, she just went in her room.
  • Does this help honey?
  • Thank you mom! I really feel accepted and trusted now.
  • To figure out what happened and why Usha is upset her mom entered her room and had a conversation with her.
  • Usha talked about in-class fight and her marks in test.
  • The conversation between Usha and her mom helped Usha feel better. Discussing problems with an adult really helps solve problems. People like parents will always be there to support at any times.when there is any problem.. The End.
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