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Vaihda Yhden Solun Tila

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I have waited 8 years Torvald!!!

I have put my keys here and Christine will be here to help me pack my things soon!

All over! Nora, shall you never think of me again? 

Can I at least write to you, Nora....?


KNOCK KNOCK! It's Christine...

Nora weeps as Christine comes to help her pack. Torvald is torn and still is thinking about how it can benefit him.

Nora! Nora!

She is gone......

Nora leaves Torvald behind with the slam of a door...

Nora...can I never be anything more than a stranger to you?

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Kiertää:   Käännä Vaakasuunnassa Käännä Pystysuunnassa title= Pyöritä 90 ° Oikea
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Muokata:   Kopio Stretch to Fill Trimmata Poistaa
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