Rosalind Franklin died at age 37 of Ovarian Cancer in 1958. Watson and Crick went on to get credit for some of her discoveries.
Rosalind Franklin1920-1958
She then went to study at Cambridge University on an academic scholarship and got her PhD
Ooh, coral is so interesting! I love that I study coral.
Franklin got her first job with Jacques Mering as an x-ray crystallographer, where she took 3-d images of molecules.She then went to study at Cambridge University on an academic scholarship and got her PhD
Wow! Taking ex-rays of molecules is SO cool!
After taking over a man named John Randalls studies, she found two different structures of possible DNA!
Geez! I am so proud of myself, I've worked so hard for this discovery. I've almost figured it out, I'm just missing a few pieces of the puzzle
Then, she met two men named Watson and Crick. They wanted her to help them figure out how to find the structure of DNA when really she didn't need their help.
You NEED our help to figure this out. Without us, you won't succeed.
Then, one of Rosalind's coworkers, Wilson, showed Watson and Crick images of HER discoveries without her permission. Oh no!