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Graphic Organizer for Graphic Organizers

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatDefinitionsCharacteristicsExamplesNonExamplesGraphicOrganizerOnenon-exampleofagraphicorganizerwouldbealongstringoftext(likethisone).CrammingalotofwordsintoaspaceandexpectingsomeonetobeabletoreaditallandRETAINitisnotthebeststrategyforvisuallearnersorforquicksharingofinformation.HowmanyPowerPointpresentationshaveyouseenwithbigblocksoftextontheslideandnothingelse?Canyouhonestlysaythatyouwereengagedwiththosepresentations?ABREDGREENBLUETitles,headings,and/orlabelsSpecificlocationsforinformation(pictures,symbols,orwords)Shortdescriptions(bulletsorlimitedsentences)AdequatespacingAgraphicorganizerisatoolforcollectingandpresentinginformationvisually.
Graphic Organizer for Graphic Organizers
Storyboard That

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Você pode encontrar este storyboard nos seguintes artigos e recursos:
Visão Geral dos Organizadores Gráficos

Tipos de Organizadores Gráficos

por Natasha Lupiani

Um organizador gráfico é uma ferramenta ou estrutura que permite coletar, relacionar e/ou apresentar informações visualmente. As informações apresentadas em um formato fácil de ler podem aprimorar o pensamento, desencadear novas ideias e manter o foco no tópico ou tarefa em questão. Aprenda a usar o Storyboard That para criar ou personalizar o seu!


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Storyboard Descrição

What is a graphic organizer? This frayer model graphic organizer will tell you! Use graphic organizers in the classroom for a variety of assignments and projects.

Texto do Storyboard

  • Definitions
  • A graphic organizer is a tool for collecting and presenting information visually.
  • Characteristics
  • • Titles, headings, and/or labels • Specific locations for information (pictures, symbols, or words) • Short descriptions (bullets or limited sentences) • Adequate spacing
  • Examples
  • Graphic Organizer
  • A
  • B
  • Non Examples
  • One non-example of a graphic organizer would be a long string of text (like this one). Cramming a lot of words into a space and expecting someone to be able to read it all and RETAIN it is not the best strategy for visual learners or for quick sharing of information. How many PowerPoint presentations have you seen with big blocks of text on the slide and nothing else? Can you honestly say that you were engaged with those presentations?
  • RED
  • BLUE
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