Good,morning everyone.Today we are having a surprise math test
Miss, we just had our Bangla Assessment .
5 mins later
He must be really good in maths
Math Assessment
Miss, I am done
Wow ! how is he done so fast ?
Result Day
Meanwhile up from the skies.Peathagorous The inventor of Maths...
Thank You miss
Here are your results
Look Google what have you done to my maths
Grades:ExceedMeetWorking TowardsWorking Below ✔️
Question PaperMina borrowed Tk. 350 to Tipu. After few days Mina gave another Tk.250. How much money Mina borrowed to Tipu?Mina borrowed to Tipu Tk.350Again gave to Tipu. Tk. 250————————————————————Mina gave to Tipu total Tk.5 10 0Ans : 5 10 0 ❌ Teacher’s comment:I feel like crying Wa wa wa... 😡😩😭😤
Oh my lord, look what human civilization has done to my maths. I want to die again.Google I will kill you.....Wa Wa Wa Wa