Have you ever wondered who the best playwright in history?
Shakespeare had a wide amount of magnificent plays that people enjoyed and still study.
Shakespeare has impacted the Renaissance by being the best playwright for many different reasons.
I was a skilled actor, but I was an even greater poet and playwright. I had an enormous talent for expressing thoughts and feelings in memorable words. My poetry is widely admired by fellow writers and publishers.
As a boy, I studied Latin and classical writing in grammar school. Although I never went to a university, my plays show a lot of information, from history and politics to music and art.
I have had a deep influence on later writers and also left a lasting mark on the English language. Many common sayings come from Shakespeare, such as “Much ado about nothing.”
In my opinion, shakespeare continues to make a lasting impact on the world today.for these and many other reasons, shakespeare has impacted the Renaissance by being the best playwright for many different reasons.