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  • Ionian Revolt
  • Ionia doesn't bellong to the Persians its belongs to us!
  • We will take over and conquer your land at all costs!
  • Battle at Marathon
  • Revenge will be ours and you will cour in your footsteps.
  • The Ionian Revolt was an enormous uprising of the Greek cities of Asia Minor against Persian rule, but before they attempted to revolt they went to the Athenians in an attempt to gain there help to revolt against with the Athenians expecting an inevitable attack they agreed to help, although the Ionian revolt was unsuccessful it greatly benefited the Greek because it gave them the time to prepare, for the Persian attack on Greece.
  • Thermopylae
  • At the battle at Marathon, the Persian empire sent 25,000 men across the Aegean sea to get revenge on Athens for helping the Ionian revolt. They landed northeast of Athens in a plain called Marathon where 10,000 Athenian soldier waited for the Greeks even though the Greeks were out numbered they charged into battle. The Persians weren't trained for that type of combat so they were defeated by the Greeks.
  • Salamis
  • (The Trireme was a ship the Greeks developed, it was 100 by 115 feet long with a battering ram made up of bronze.)
  • (The Phalanx was made up of hoplites, who would use a large circular shield and a long spear. These individual soldiers would lock up side by side in the shape of blocks, layering their spears between one another and marching forward behind a wall of shields.)
  • 10 years after the battle of marathon Darius the greats son Xerxes marched down the eastern cost to get revenge for his father when suddenly he came to a very narrow mountain pass at Thermopylae, where 7,000 Greeks, including 300 Spartans awaited his arrival and blocked his path. Xerxes figured that his troops would push the Greeks aside easily. But he underestimated their ability to fight. The Greeks stopped the Persian advance for three days until betrayed by someone who supplied Xerxes' army with the information they needed to get around.
  • Why is this valley so narrow!
  • We've been expecting you!
  • The Battle of Salamis was a naval battle between the Greeks and Persians, the Greeks were well aware that the Persians had rather large ships making it hard for them to navigate the narrow channel, so they took advantage of this by constructing ships that were built to practically be a naval battering ram, these ships were long and thin meaning they easily navigated the Narrow channel and managed to take out many Persian ships, the battle inevitably won and the Greeks were victorious.
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