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Indus valley project

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Indus valley project
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  • Welcome to the Indus valley. We are located in India! We live right on the indus river.2500-1700 BCE
  • Indus valley Indus river 
  • Our roofs our flat! We use roofs as an extra room to sleep in on hot nights and to hang out with friends! 
  • Homes in the Indus valley were important because they had mini workshops inside to help build things. It was also their shelter to sleep, eat, and get clean in!
  • Toilets and sewage
  • After they took showers and after they used the restroom the dirty would flow through pipes and empty out into drains through out the streets! 
  • Toilets
  • Shower rooms 
  • Our homes include shower rooms and toilets! We are very modern!
  • We come here to clean our minds and repent from our sins!
  • Bathing was a pat of their religion where they would clean themselves and their minds from all bad thoughts.
  • Seals
  • Most of us aren't educated enough to know how to write! So we use seals when we trade!
  • They used seals to represent what was inside when they traded. It would also indicate who owns the item they are trading!
  • Trade warehouse
  • Trading was very important for people in the valley because that was one of their ways to get rare special foods and other modern items!
  • Trading
  • Here we are getting ready to trade socks with no money! We are loading everything up and are about to leave for our long voyage across the sea!
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