"Can the plural possessive express the feelings in your heart? If you don't learn art now, you will never learn to breathe!!!"
How the text supports the lesson is it states a quote from the book about how can the plural possessive express the feelings in your heart meaning how someone is not expanding and expressing their self in more than just one way..
Deslizar: 2
“My report card is covered with C’s. I am not the kind of person who gets C’s.”
One of the conflicts is about her grades and academic performance. In the book, Melinda expresses frustration about her parents’ expectations and their lack of understanding about her struggles at school. The quote reflects Melinda’s internal struggles and her parents' disappointment in her academic performance.
Deslizar: 3
“It’s easier not to say anything. Shut your trap, button your lip, can it. All that crap you hear on TV about communication and expressing feelings is a lie. Nobody really wants to hear what you have to say.”
This quote reflects the internal struggle and isolation that the main character, Melinda, experiences as she grapples with her emotions and the aftermath of a traumatic event.