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1st Punic war

2nd Punic war

3rd Punic war

Rome and Carthage foughtin this war. The war started because Rome felt threatened byCarthage.Rome won the war.Rome won the war because they copied a Carthaginian ship and put a corvus on it. Rome's prizes included Sicily and all it's graineries.

Rome and Carthage foughtin this war.The war started because Hannibal wanted revenge on Rome.Rome won the war.Rome won the war because the started attacking Carthage so the Carthaginianarmy had to go all the way back home and ran out of food.Rome's prizes included land, resources, and money.

Rome and Carthage foughtin this war.The war started because Carthage was getting stronger. Rome won the war.Rome won the war because they attacked Carthage before Carthage could attack them.Rome's prizes included them becoming the leading power in the Mediterranean Sea.

Fear the double edged sword

I will destroy all of Rome with my Elephants

Rome will take over Carthage

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