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three skeleton key 2

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three skeleton key 2
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  • setting
  • conflict 
  • suspense
  •  According to the text,"Three Skeleton Key, the small rock on which the lightstood, bore a bad reputation. It earned its name from thestory of the three convicts who, escaping from Cayenne ina stolen dugout canoe, were wrecked on the rock duringthe night, managed to escape the sea, but eventually diedof hunger and thirst.(Toudouze 32).
  •  IN the short story,"Now we knew why this ship, in perfect condition, wassailing without her crew aboard. They had been driven outby the rats. Not those poor specimens of rats you see ashore,barely reaching the length of one foot from their tremblingnoses to the tip of their skinny tails, wretched creatures thatdodge and hide at the mere sound of a footfall.( Toudouze 37).
  • finally,"Nightfall came, and it was as if nothing had been done;the rats were still in possession. One of the patrol boatsstayed by the island; the rest of the flotilla 20 departed forthe coast. We had to spend another night in our prison.Le Geo was sitting on the floor, babbling about skeletons(Toudouze 46).
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