The Battle of Galicia, also known as the Battle of Lemberg, was fought between the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires on the Eastern Front of World War One. During the battle, the Russians defeated the Austro-Hungarians and captured the city of Lemberg, today known as Lviv and located in western Ukraine.
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Battle of Tannenberg - Eastern Front
The Russian army wasn’t nearly as experienced and well-trained as its German foe, and that led to some critical mistakes. The Russians were also hampered by poor communications, slow supply routes and the frustrations of moving a large army (plus heavy artillery) on foot and horseback through difficult terrain.
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Battle of Tannenberg - Eastern Front
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When the Germans learned that the Russians were invading East Prussia, they ordered Prittwitz to attack the northern Russian 1st Army at what became known as the Battle of Gumbinnen.
Because of communication problems that confuses orders, the Russian commanders didn’t know that a major attack on their flank was underway until half a day too late.