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The Stamp Act

The things British tax in

Raising questions about Tax

No taxation without representation

Tax ended; Boycotting Britain's Goods

Major cause

On March 22nd, 1765, the British decided to tax the American colonists for all the paper documents. This was the British way to increase revenue, for sources of income.

The British tax things that the American colonies made objects that all from paper and included with special documents.

The British taxed the Americans without their permission, they don't have a say because they had no representation in the British Parliament.

The colonies thought it was not fair for the tax representation, so they held a meeting with all 13 colonies called the Stamp Act Congress in New York in October 1765.

The Colonies put their words into action and boycotted British goods. After that, England eventually ended the Stamp Act the following year due to struggling British merchants.

The Stamp Act caused strain and problems in the relationships between colonies. After ten years, the colonists rose in resistance and being with a war. This is also why the Samp Act caused American Revolution.

The Stamp Act was out in 1765 by the British Parliament

Why do we have tax without permission? it's unfair!

It's unfair for y'all to do that!

Sorry! Not my problem.

Stamp Act Congress

We will not use the British papers

Our Americans will not buy British goods

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