they were a diverse population and took part in different religions and they called at the melting pot because they took in people from all around the matter what their religion was or how they were they just took a man
New York England gave the colonies to his brother dock of York Duke is York New York city became a major port and immigrant
The friends divided the women and called both ways combined it and because in New Jersey in 1702 Peeples St. seek emergency room settled in New Jersey
King Charles and pence father is a large amount of money and then stated that the land would be no prepayment of his dead second liked his idea and gave patient a character for a large area rug that would be called Pennsylvania Pennsylvania meaning words so Penns words
Pink got out of North American ES the dog your duties him some land so that Pennsylvania was not locked and would have an outlet to use producePink got out of North American ES the dog your duties him some land so that Pennsylvania was not locked and would have an outlet to use the dude agreed and gave him more land that later became Delaware
The Packers believe in religion freedom and did not believe in religious or crayons they were very peaceful and did not fight in wars or believe in slavery they also loved farming Amira big farm land