I can't believe it, we are going to America to gather wealth for us and not the British Empire
Colonist coming to America
Yes, but there is only so much money we can gather with the finite amount of materials in America
Should you start chopping trees in a nearby forest before others get to them
We have finally made a settlement it is time to build our house
Yes, that is a good plan
Mercantilism is fueling trading across 3 continents
It is time to sell these raw materials to Britain and this rum to Africa.
Mercantilism - The belief that there is a finite amount of wealth in the world
Ah, finished products to sell to America and these guns to Africa
Mercantilism - The belief that there is a finite amount of wealth in the world
I am trading you slaves to take to Europe and America
Later guys I need to go with my fishing crew to supply the ship going to France in a month
Triangular trade - This is the trading system from Africa to Europe to America and then back to Africa or vice versa
I found the perfect beaver hunting ground by the Mississippi river
My mission is to try to make a trading outpost with the Shawnee
Triangular trade - This is trading system from Africa to Europe to America and the back to Africa or vice versa
1000 miles away in Europe
I need to go fight the French for the Territory a few kilometers here
I am going to conquer the Native American tribe and convert them to Christianity
I need to head to the gold mine to keep the workers in check.
Triangular trade - This is trading system from Africa to Europe to America and the back to Africa or vice versa
Ah finally, I can practice my religion freely without being threatened
I also don't have to pay taxes to the king. I can work for my own money
Frances goals in America - Making friend, Getting fur, capturing fish
The European countries are in a race to colonize the most of North America
I going to the factory to spin cotton into cloth
While you do that I will be fishing with 30 people off the Boston Harbor
Spains goal in North America - Gold, Convert people to Chirstianity, getting glory for Spain
Meanwhile in Spanish Territory
British citizens goal in North America - Escape reigious persicusion and to gain economice weath for them selves only
On a British dock in North America
The New England colonies economy's - Their economies are based on fishing and factories which use wool, cotton, and leather to produce cloth, shoes. and boots
The colonist jobs
I just traded the beavers pelts I caught last week
I need to sell my grain to the miller so they can make flour
The slaves role in the southern colonies
Well it time to harvest the cotton from plantation
Yeah life as a slave is life long torture
Sure but, France has to give me all territories west of the Mississippi
Fine! We can't afford and other year of war
You give me all of your land east of the Mississippi river and Florida
I got a financial report that says we are in 140 million pounds in debt from the French and Indian war
The middle colonies use their fertile soil to merchandise and sell crops . They sold grain, flour, and tobbaco. Another main cashflow was fur trade
Um King Geroge the III?
Well to pay of the debt we should tax the colonist on tea.
Yes they love tea so they will keep buying, but at higher prices.
The Southern colonies main cashflows was selling tabacco and rice. To maintain their plantations they used slave labor.
The colonist love tea they will be very mad if we tax them
Bratian beat France in the Frech and Indian war. During the Treaty of Paris the French gave up all territory west of the Mississpy river to Spain and the territoy east of the Mississpy river to Bratian. Spain lost Flordia.
Keep dumping tea until their is no tea left on all of these ships
No taxation without representation!!
Go back to your Island you British rats.
The French and Indian war left Bratian in 140 million British pounds in debt.
Repeal the taxes
The French and Indian war left Bratian in 140 million British pounds in debt.
Because the money was spent to defend the colonist they taxed them hevily
Hold your fire
Ok I send the request to parliament.
The Boston Tea Party made the British furious, the riot showed that Americans weren't afraid to fight back.
With the Tea Act the people start to riot and revolt.
Colonel Smith ?
Tensions run high for the colonist. The hatred towards the British grew towards ...
The Boston Massacre killed 8 people and injured 11
The Boston Massacre killed 8 people and injured 11
Yes fire
Did he say fire?
This massicare sparked a revolution to stop the British before the colonist had to suffer worse
The first battle - Lexington and Concord was massive defeat for the British
I got word that the colonist are starting a revolution and to put a swift end to the war we must capture a stockpile of guns and ammo in Concord
Ok chaps move out and midnight
Ok boys you are fighting for the greatest cause of all. Freedom. Fight for it put your life on the life for it. Don't let their numbers intimadate you
Remember you are fighting for the Crown. Give up your life for it if you must
Fire at will
Sir can we fire.
Chase them down
We found very little of the weapons stockpile we have reason to believe that the Patriots have the guns and ammo on the other side of the riv...
Sir we have lost many men we need to retreat.
To break the siege they attack Bunker hill that is right out side of Boston to have the ability to attack the places that were trapping the British
We will come back
Don't fire until you see the white in their eyes
The first battle - Lexington and Concord the British meet the Americans at Lexigiton and the Americans suffer 8 loses out of the 30 men they had and the British lost 1 man out of 700
They are out of ammo, take the hill.
Use it all, then retreat
Guys. We are low on ammo.
Well then Thomas how would you, me, and John Adams like to write The Declaration of Independence to show we have the guts to face Britain.
The first battle - Lexington and Concord. The patriots deal a huge blow to the british army and lay sige to Boston
We can't win this war are selves. We need France and Spain.
Well they won't join unless we show we can win and we have the devotion.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Bunker hill, The attempt to take the hill is a huge loss for the British with 200 dead and 800 wounded
Bunker hill, The attempt to take the hill is a huge loss for the British with 200 dead and 800 wounded
After their initial success the Americans sufferer massive loses which showed that they can't win on their own
The Declaration of Independence was the only way to get forgin suport.
Ben, great plan that will be the push we need to gain France and Spains trust.
The Declaration of Indpendence was delivered in Philidepha on June 28th, 1776
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