All About Us

Esta atividade Storyboard That faz parte dos planos de aula para Projetos de Ensino Fundamental

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Students will get the chance to share about themselves in this All About Me storyboard providing an opportunity to build classroom community while practicing their writing and storyboarding skills! Using the template provided, students will create illustrations and descriptions to answer the prompts about themselves: their name, favorite subject in school, family, favorite animal, favorite color and favorite book.

This activity is designed to be done in pairs or small groups which is possible with Storyboard That's Real Time Collaboration feature! By collaborating on the same storyboard, students can easily compare and contrast their different likes and interests sparking meaningful conversations and building connections.

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Instruções de Modelo e de Classe

(Essas instruções são totalmente personalizáveis. Depois de clicar em "Copiar atividade", atualize as instruções na guia Editar da tarefa.)

Due Date:

Objective: Create a storyboard that tells us all about you! Include images and descriptions that answer the prompts.

Student Instructions:

  1. Choose a partner to collaborate with. Check the box next to their name.
  2. Using the template, write at least one sentence to answer the prompts in each description box.
  3. Create an illustration for each cell that represents your answer.
  4. Find characters, scenes, and items that represent you and your interests!

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Mais Storyboard That Atividades

Projetos de Ensino Fundamental

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