George and Doris exit left.As they go Mrs Fitzgerald moves to the left of the table and sits. She eagerly beckons Mrs Pearson to do the same thing.
Mrs Fitzgerald, we must change back now....we really must...
A bit more of the same would do 'em good.Making a great difference already....
Mrs Pearson moves to right of the table and sits.
Because this has gone far enough. I can see they're all miserable-and I can't bear it...
Well-if you insist...
Quiet now.Relax
No,I can't stand any more of it-I really can't.We must change back.Hurry up,please,Mrs Fitzgerald.
Yes-I do-please-please.
They carry out the same action as before,going lax and then coming to life.But this time,they become their proper personalities.
She stretches her hands across the table eagerly.Mrs Pearson takes them.Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald stare at each other.Muttering;exactly as before,Arshtatta dum-arshtatta dum-arshtattalamdumbona...
Ah well- I enjoyed that
Well you ought to have done.Now listen,Mrs Pearson,Don't go soft on 'em again,elseit'll all have been wasted...
I didn't
They've not had as long as I'd like to have given 'em- another hour or two's rough treatment might have made it certain.