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Storyboard That

Stwórz własną Storyboard

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Stwórz własną Storyboard

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Tekst Storyboardowy

  • “Whoever broke into my closet last Winter and stole my liquor will probably try it again once we are out of here,”
  • “Don’t do it, Judson. It’s horrible — it’s murder.”
  • “Judson! You’re not taking a drink at ten o’clock in the morning?”
  • “I’m not taking anything out of this bottle: I am merely putting a little kick into it.”
  • Outside, the woods lay basking in the clear October sunlight; trees a riot of color, air full of autumns tang.
  • ¨Where is it?¨
  • Judson was complaining to his wife Marcia about how someone stool his liquor last year from his locked cabinet in their cabin.
  • Judson decides he is going to poison an already opened bottle of his liquor to catch the thief if they are to come back this year.
  • “’Twarn’t10much of a fall, Mr. Webb. You aren’t cut none; jest knocked out for a minute. Here, take this; it’ll pull you together.”
  • Last year someone had gotten into their cabin and stolen liquor from Judson liquor cabinet. He wont let it happen again.
  • Judson falls and hits his head on a table knocking him unconscious no one was around until Alec came to turn off the water.
  • Alec finds Judson passed out on the floor and goes to get him a drink to wake him up a little bit more and it ends up being the poisoned liquor.
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