Hi!! my name is Huip, I am a very little rain and this is my story of the water cycle.
It began on a very sunny day.
I was swiming with my friends when the shiny sun heated and I started evaporating us.
I thought to myself what was happening to me when, Mr. Sun told me that I was evaporating with my friends.
I was super scared I wanted to go back to home with my family. The cloud was so big that I though that it was about to colapse. But what relly happend is that I was evaportaing to the clouds.
Mr. sun came out and said Its ok, you are just going through the water cycle. You are condencing and becoming a liquid from water to vapour and changing into a cloud.
AHHHHH I was falling!! I was very dizzy but I could see all my friends faling with me!! But then Mr sun appeard again and told me...
Relax. You are just precipitating to the water, all will be fine I promise.
After falling from the cloud, I landed on a land. Where I flowed on called Surface runoff.
That is all bye!!
After the surface runoff process I was in the ocean where I accumulate and was able to find my family and friends I know this water cycle will be repeated a lot of times more but I dont care because its very cool. Bye!!