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Pełna Cykada Księżyc Marilyn Hilton
Mimi is half Black and half Japanese. As the new girl in town, she struggles to find her place amongst her peers, but never gives up her dream of becoming an astronaut and making the world a better place.
This story takes place in a predominantly white town in Vermont in 1969. Mimi and her parents have moved from California for her father’s job and must adapt to being a mixed race family in a town with very little diversity.
Mimi befriends Stacey. The two girls peacefully sit in the shop class and refuse to get up when the teachers tells them they can’t be there.
Mimi and Stacey are suspended, and when they get back to school, the boys are in home economics and the girls are in shop.
The principal agrees to start clubs for the classes after school so that anyone can join.
After Mimi’s family brings Mr. Dell a Thanksgiving dinner, he apologizes for how rude he has been. He takes Mimi for a ride on his plane and lets her steer.
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Sklep Drzewny
To dobrze, bo teraz ...
Będziemy musieli po klubach szkolnych, że każdy może się przyłączyć, ale nie możemy mieć Woodshop zajęcia w szkole dla dziewcząt.
Lecisz teraz. Weź jarzmo.
Och, dziękuję!