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Vocabulary Terms of the Legislative Branch Storyboard

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatImageAttributions:Veto-Illustration(,consistingoftheSenate,orupperhouse,andtheHouseofRepresentatives,orlowerhouse,asacontinuousinstitution.CongressisresponsibleforthelawmakingprocessinAmerica.Adraftofalawpresentedtoalegislatureforconsideration.Having,consistingof,orbasedon,twolegislativechambers.Apowervestedinachiefexecutivetopreventpermanentlyortemporarilytheenactmentofmeasurespassedbyalegislature.LegislativeBranchVocabularyTheHouseofRepresentativesTheSenate114thCONGRESS1stSessionH.R.1020INTHESENATEOFTHEUNITEDSTATESFebruary26,2015ANACTTodefineSTEMeducationtoincludecomputerscience,andtosupportexistingSTEMeducationprogramsattheNationalScienceFoundation.114thCONGRESS1stSessionH.R.6823INTHESENATEOFTHEUNITEDSTATESANACTThisbillwouldprohibitthefreedomofthepressandspeechoriginallyprotectedbythe1stAmendment.
Vocabulary Terms of the Legislative Branch Storyboard
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Branches of Government - The Legislative Branch

Tekst Storyboardowy

  • Congress
  • Bill
  • 114th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 1020 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES February 26, 2015 AN ACT To define STEM education to include computer science, and to support existing STEM education programs at the National Science Foundation.
  • The national legislative body of the U.S., consisting of the Senate, or upper house, and the House of Representatives, or lower house, as a continuous institution. Congress is responsible for the lawmaking process in America.
  • Bicameral
  • The House of Representatives
  • Legislative Branch Vocabulary
  • The Senate
  • A draft of a law presented to a legislature for consideration.
  • Veto
  • 114th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 6823 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES AN ACT This bill would prohibit the freedom of the press and speech originally protected by the 1st Amendment.
  • Having, consisting of, or based on, two legislative chambers.
  • A power vested in a chief executive to prevent permanently or temporarily the enactment of measures passed by a legislature.

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