Storyboard Opis
The other Wes Moore had gotten back from six months of juvenile detention and had enrolled back into high school at Lake Clifton. Because Wes was a lot older and way behind the kids in his grade, the teachers had given up on his potential and stopped trying to catch him up on the work. Unfortunately, since no one cared, Wes took this as an opportunity to quit going to school. At this point, Wes is living with his aunt Nicey, who tells him that he either needs to get a job or go to school, but neither isn’t an option. Nicey doesn’t know, but while she is at work, Wes stays at home and plays video games and when she goes back home, Wes then works on his drug operation. One day, Wes stood on the corner of Dundee Village when a sketchy man came up to him and asked him for cocaine. Wes suspected the man was a cop, so he didn’t initiate with the man and denied his request. As Wes is walked away, he started to doubt his first instinct. He got antsy and desperately craved the sale he could’ve made. He soon decided to initiate the sale and approached a telephone booth, leaving cocaine in the coin return bucket. Wes finally yelled to the man and met up with him, saying, “I don’t know who it was that told me, but if you give me twenty dollars, you can go over to that phone booth and they said you would be taken care of.” The man nodded and separated from Wes, approaching the phone booth. The next thing Wes knew, he was being yelled at, but kept on walking. As he turned the corner, Wes was busted by the police and was arrested. As Wes claimed he didn’t do anything wrong, the police read him his rights.