Seeds that come from a small tropical American evergreen tree and can be used to make cocoa, cocoa butter, and chocolate. The Mayas considered it the food of the gods. Cacao was an integral part of their religious and every day lives.
A type of book that was created by one long sheet of paper that was then folded like an accordion. The Mayas had a hieroglyphic written language of more than 800 characters. Tragically all but 4 codices were destroyed by Spanish conquistadors.
A major story, the Hero Twins were excellent ball players and tricked the lords of the underground. Because of this, the gods of heaven made one twin the sun, one the moon, and their descendants rulers of Earth. All Maya nobility claimed to be descendants of the Hero Twins, which gave them the right to rule.
The serpent god of the Maya. One of the primary gods, especially to the Itza peoples of Chichén-Itzà. It is depicted as a feathered serpent, sometimes with the head of a man. Other Mesoamerican peoples worshipped a similar diety.
An area in southeastern Mexico where some of the Mayan civilization developed.