"David why are you looking very miserable", says Michael. David says that when we were in year 6 on the last day, something terrible happened. "What happened"?, asked Michael. "Well it's a long story", said David . And as soon as David started the story, the doorbell rang and David feared the worst.
���Hi! , "my name is Michael", and I'm going to have a birthday party and i am turning 16.
Well hello David". "It's been a long time since we saw each other". David gulped and said, "well hello EX-BEST friend", "how have you been". "Well to be honest, I haven't missed you that much,says Jonathon. Just then, Micheal came in and said,"what are you up to David". Nothing says David.Click To Edit
This is my invitation and cake.
"OK guys",we are going to start of playing a game of soccer.Jonathon was getting along with David and it came to a point where they even became friends again.
"I am going to invite my two best friends" ,David and Jonathon. Ring,Ring. "Oh",I think that must be David.
"Hello David". "How are you"? "I am doing great". "How are you?" " I'm doing well thank you." "Who else are you inviting?" " I 'm inviting Jonthon. Then David stood still for one minute
I was just talking about what it was like without him. "OK",said Michael ,"let's get this party started".
"I'm sorry that I was rude on the graduation day" , said Jonathon. "It's okay",said David. "Friends",says Jonathon"? "Friends says David".