Why don't you come to my castle to build something for me.
Of course, your Majesty
Rising Action
Rising Action
You must be careful not to fly too high because I will not be able to save you if you fall
Yeah Yeah, give me the wings now.
King Minus asked Daedalus to go to his palace and build him a maze. He needed to bring Icarus with him.
Told ye it would work boyo.
After he built it, he was horrified of how the king has used the maze. He had wanted to leave with Icarus but the king told him couldn't for he was the only one who knew its secrets, so the king locked him and Icarus up.
Falling Action
This is AWESOME! I bet I am faster than you birds!
They were locked up for so long that after a year Daedalus had constructed wings to escape with Icarus. He warned not to go to high for the wax would melt off the wings.
Daedalus and Icarus jumped out the window and started to fly.
Daedalus and Icarus flew until they could only see the ocean. Icarus started to race birds, he went so high that he was above the clouds.
Icarus flew too high making the wax melt. Then, he was falling all the way into the ocean. Daedalus was helpless and could only watch as his only son fell into the watery depths.