Utwórz Storyboard
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Health Risk Behavior Comic - Jess
Utwórz Storyboard
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Hey, do you want to come to my party? If you do you need to bring your own alcohol.
You guys are going to be drinking? We aren't even old enough. You could get in huge trouble.
Yeah but who cares, its the only way to have fun now that we are in high school.
Yeah I guess but it could really mess someone up, especially a teenager. Its not good to drink either, especially if its just "to have fun".
Well I'm not going to do anything bad. I'm not stupid.
I know, but your judgment changes when you drink. More than 90% of alcohol consumed by teens is by binge drinking.
Are you serious? I didn't even know that it was a thing, I just drink.
Yep it is. And in 2011, about 188,000 people had to go to an emergency room for injuries due to underage drinking.
Dang, thats a lot of people! I don't want to get hurt.
You can always say no. Suggest another thing to do and if they try to pressure you, ask for help or say no and leave.
Well, thanks for telling me this. It really did change my mind about the party and what we are doing.
No problem, you can always talk to me about this kind of stuff.
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