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Cold War Storyboard

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Cold War Storyboard
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Stwórz własną Storyboard

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Tekst Storyboardowy

  • What should we do with Germany?
  • Division of Germany
  • NATO is formed
  • Confrence of Yalta
  • We could do something with their land/territory.
  • I think we should divide it into 4 military zones. 
  • Division of Germany
  • Who would get a zone?
  • Confrence of Yalta
  • The Allies should each get a zone.
  • NATO is formed
  • Yes, with France in the southwest, the UK in the northwest, the US in the south, and the Soviet Union in the east.
  • NATO is formed
  • Division of Germany
  • By dividing Germany into 4 zones that makes it even for all Allied countries to get one part of Germany.
  • Confrence of Yalta
  • So all of Germany won't be controlled by just one Allied country.
  • Now we can all control a little bit of Germany while having occupation land.
  • I think we should make a treaty that helps us all when we are getting attacked.
  • Western Europe Allies
  • And with the US having a lot of world power, we could really use your help.
  • Western Europe Allies
  • United States
  • Western Europe Allies
  • Western Europe Allies
  • With a lot of us being attacked in Europe we are struggling right now.
  • Western Europe Allies
  • I think a treaty that could support all of us in case of when we get attacked would be perfect. This will be called the North Atlantic Traty. (NATO)
  • Western Europe Allies
  • United States
  • Western Europe Allies
  • Western Europe Allies
  • The United States has signed a treaty with our Western European Allies called The North Atlantic Treaty. This treaty was fromed so we could support each other in case of getting attacked. It also is a defensive alliance because we will be defending ourselves from Soviet Agression.
  • (The President of the US addressing the people about the treaty)
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