Let me out of here my son and his friend will pppaaaaayyyy
Rising action
911 help
He's having a secure
There all having super. Kevin is and his mom are over to eat.
911 help
My Baby
Killer Cain starts choking people and Max remembers seeing his dad kill his mom. Kevin has a (weapon).
Falling Action
I miss you so much Kevin
Kevin has a secure and his mom is scared. There calling an ambivalence and Kevin is taken to the hospital.
thank goodness my dads in jail endefinently
Kevin dies in his hospital bed. The nurse is now telling them that they have to leave. Kevin has a secure and his mom is scared. There calling an ambivalence and Kevin is taken to the hospital.
I can't
I can't
you have to leave.
Kevin has a funeral and the Mom is saying goodbye. Max is bringing a flower to the casket.
Goodbye son
Mighty wrights in the Journal that freak gave to him to write there adventures in right before he did.Then Max and his family heard that his dad would be in jail for the rest of his life so he would not be able to heart max or anyone else.