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Before and after the American Revolution the government was a monarchy along with the French but after the war they became a republic. The Russians were a Monarchy also until they were over thrown on March of 1917

The reason of conflict for the French isSubjects wanted equality before the law, AmericaSubjects wanted equality before the

law,Bad economy,Bad leadership

They French and the Americans were different because america was not independent minded and the French were.

One event that leading up to the French Revelation is thehail storm damaged grain

crops: high prices in 1788. America had aBoston Massacre that caused damage also.

The slogan for the French wasLiberté, égalité, fraternité, The slogan for America is "in God we trust", and for RussiansAll power to the Soviets. Peace to the People. Land to the peasants.

Some actions leading up to the French war wasThe Enlightenment philosophy desalinized the authority of the monarchy and the Catholic Church, and promoted a new society based on reason instead of traditions. As with America something as simple as the Boston tea party

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