This is Alexa, she is a water droplet who can't find her family. She is starting to Transpiration which is when a plant loses its water. It is starting to evaporate from a liquid to a gas as it is combining into the clouds.
Whoah! I can't believe that I am evaporating! Is this what they say is so cool? Let's just hope I can find my family.
It feels so different to be a gas. But I wonder if I will be able to find my family. I am starting to miss them.
Alexa is starting to move through the water cycle and right now she is going through condensation and that is when little water droplets combine into a big water droplet.
As it rained and snowed I got stuck under a glacier. The glacier froze and I guess I am stuck under for a bit but I really want to find my family.
Finally the ice melted! Maybe I will be able to find my family now.
The ice has started to melt and it is making it evaporate back into the clouds because the suns heat is turning it back into a gas.
Hi, nice to meet you too! My name is Angela! I would love to go on this journey with you but everyone has their own paths through the water cycle. I hope that you find your family and maybe I will see you again.
The ice evaporates to the clouds and it condenses into one big water drop which is condensation. When it rains it is going to go into the ocean.
Hi! I'm Alexa! Nice to meet you! I can't really find my family so I was wondering if you could go on this journey with me?