Quote to Show Kindness Level: ''August face doesn't look different from any other human's face'' but we all know it does
Relationship to Auggie: Sister
Character Traits: Welcoming Stressed Easily-angered
Relationship to Auggie: Friend
Quote to Show Kindness Level: "No I'm friends with him because I want to be friends with him." ''People act like it was the strangest thing in the world"
Character Traits: Friendly Honest Trustworthy brainy
Character Traits: annoyed bold smart young gulilty
Relationship to Auggie: Friend
Julian Albans
Character Traits: Foul Wealthy grouchy spoiled dark
Relationship to Auggie: Foe
Character Traits: Caring Polite Normal trustworthy unselfish
Relationship to Auggie: Sister's boyfriend
Quote to Show Kindness Level: ''I would say I actually do want to be friends'' ''But now i chose to hang out with him"
Quote to Show Kindness Level: "if I looked like that," "I swear to God, i'd but a hood over my face everyday"
Quote to Show Kindness Level: "I shake the other kids hand. Don't want to focus on his face." This shoes he does not want to be like everyone else and stare.