Advarsel: Ikke ta opp opphavsrettsbeskyttet materiale (bakgrunnsmusikk, film- eller tv-klipp osv.)
Firstly the person gets born into the world,A helpless baby, just crying and throwing up on the nusres arms.
a school-boy unwilling to go to school describes this stage and he is very neatly dressed
now the man is grown has but has no experience and will do anything for quick reputation so he is hot headed and warm blooded
In this stage he changes from his old age to the oldest one. This is a strange stage of life. In this period all the life which has been previously full of strange events ,and now has experience comes to an end. Man becomes child once again. This is like his second childhood. In this stage he is childish as well as childlike. At this stage he forgets almost everything. His memory becomes very weak. He loses teeth, eye sight and taste. He is without everything and though he is dependent he has no one for him as everyone has forgottenhim
In thefifth stageof life man plays the role of ajusticeor judge. He now has a round belly and stressed eyes. He uses his experience of life and the knowledge he has gained to offer what he thinks are wise sayings and advice and good decisions.
The role of theloveris thethird stageof life. He is young and foolish and falls passionately in love, singing a sad song about love .